
i heart food...

Things are coming together!!
We have a caterer - she is willing to make whatever we want.....which is good, and bad - since it means we have more decisions to make! Any menu suggestions?
I'm thinking some sort of chicken, some sort of beef, and some sort of vegetarian dish. Some salads...some roasted vegetables.....?

Also, my mom has a GINORMOUS garden and spends all summer tending to her plants. Meaning, all our vegetables and herbs will be organic, and *free*, and our caterer is more than happy to use them.
I'm most excited for cherry tomatoes and a hunk of mozzarella with a basil leaf on a stick, drizzled with balsamic as appetizers. If only we had some cows to make the mozzarella - JK!
Can't wait!!


AmyJean {Relentless Bride®} said...

That sounds delish! YAY! Happy that things are all working out so well :)

PixieGrin said...

yay! i know it's so exciting when things really start coming together. putting together the menu is a little stressful, but a lot of freaking fun! we finalized ours last week..if you want..take a gander and hopefully it will inspire!


best of luck! - can't wait to see what you come up with.

Cyd said...

We are having little caprase skewers at our Friday party, too, and I am equally as excited!

Sean S said...

Great reading yoour blog